Do you Need a Permit for a Trampoline | Easy Guide [2023]

If you’re wondering whether Do you need a permit for a trampoline? The answer isn’t always straightforward. Contrary to popular belief, having a permit is not always necessary. 

However, it’s crucial to consider your location and the size of the trampoline. To find out whether a permit is required, it’s best to contact your local authorities for accurate information.

Living in the United States, it’s more likely that you’ll need a permit for a trampoline. In most states, structures taller than eight feet typically require a permit, and trampolines, usually around ten feet, fall into this category.

You’ll need to complete an application process through your local government office to obtain a permit. Once your application is approved, you can set up your trampoline without any legal concerns. Remember to adhere to safety guidelines and enjoy your trampoline responsibly!

Do you Need a Permit for a Trampoline: Not always. The need for a permit for a trampoline varies based on location and trampoline size. Check with local authorities for accurate information on permit requirements.

Do you Need a Permit for a Trampoline in New Jersey?

Do you Need a Permit for a Trampoline - Guide

Many people are unaware that having a trampoline in New Jersey requires a permit. This is because trampolines are considered to be potentially risky and can cause accidents if not installed and maintained properly. 

To obtain a permit, you need to follow certain requirements:

  1. A professional who knows how to install trampolines must set it up.
  2. The installation should be done exactly as instructed by the manufacturer.
  3. Before using the trampoline, it needs to be inspected by a certified inspector.
  4. You must get a permit from the local municipality where you plan to place the trampoline.
  5. The permit fee is $50 and is valid for one year. By following these steps, you can enjoy your trampoline without any issues!

Regulations Concerning Trampolines

Trampolines in the United States are governed by laws at the state and local levels. These laws aim to keep people safe while using trampolines and protect those around them from potential injuries. Each state has its rules, including age limits, weight restrictions, and safety standards.

For example, some states require trampoline users to wear protective gear like helmets and pads. It is also common for states to insist on placing trampolines on a soft surface like grass or sand to reduce the impact of falls. Additionally, local laws might have their own regulations.

For instance, certain cities or towns may prohibit trampolines in public parks or other areas that could be a hazard to people passing by.

It’s crucial to check with your local authorities before setting up a trampoline anywhere. In summary, various laws in the United States control how trampolines can be used.

Can I put a trampoline in my Front Yard?

If you’ve ever thought about putting a trampoline in your front yard, you might wonder if it’s allowed. The good news is that you can have a trampoline in your front yard, but there are a few important things to consider.

First, you must ensure you have enough space for the trampoline. It should be on a flat surface and away from anything that could cause damage or accidents. Also, think about how it will look in your front yard, as some neighborhoods have rules about what you can have in your yard.

If your neighborhood has strict rules, you might not be allowed to have a trampoline. But if your community is more relaxed or if you have a big yard, it might be fine. Just remember that not everyone likes the idea.

Most importantly, you need to prioritize safety. Leave enough space around the trampoline and place it on a soft surface like grass or sand. This way, if someone falls, they will be less likely to get hurt. Safety should always come first when setting up any kind of backyard equipment.

What is the Cost of Insurance for Trampolines?

If you’re planning to buy a trampoline, you might be curious about the cost of trampoline insurance. Trampoline insurance usually ranges between $100 and $200 per year. 

The actual cost depends on factors like the value of your trampoline and the coverage you select. However, it’s essential to consider whether getting trampoline insurance is worth the expense.

Trampolines can be safe if used correctly, but there is always a risk of injury. If someone gets hurt while using your trampoline, your homeowner’s insurance might cover their medical costs. 

However, your homeowner’s policy might not offer sufficient coverage if the injury leads to a lawsuit.

This is where trampoline insurance becomes useful. Trampoline insurance typically covers medical expenses for trampoline-related injuries and any damage caused by the trampoline to other people’s property. 

However, remember that most policies limit how much they will pay for a single claim or accident.

It’s important to carefully review your policy before purchasing to understand the coverage you’re getting and the level of protection it offers. 

While trampoline insurance can provide peace of mind, comparing rates and coverage options from different insurers before making a final decision is advisable.

Insurance Companies That Provide Coverage for Trampolines

Not all insurance companies will cover trampolines due to the risks involved. However, there are a few insurance companies that do provide coverage for trampolines. These companies include:

  • Allstate Insurance Company
  • American Family Insurance Company
  • The Hartford Insurance Company
  • Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company

If you own a trampoline and want insurance coverage, you can contact these companies and inquire about their coverage options in your area.

Trampolines Installed in the Ground

Trampolines Installed in the Ground

In-ground trampolines are a great addition to any backyard. They are safer than regular trampolines that are above the ground and offer a fun space for kids to play.

In-ground trampolines are also less likely to tip over, making them safer for families with small children.

Here are some things to think about before buying an in-ground trampoline:

  • Size: In-ground trampolines come in different sizes, so choose one that fits well in your backyard. You might want to consider a mini trampoline if you have a small yard.
  • Installation: Most in-ground trampolines need professional installation because they must be installed level with the ground, which can be tricky. Remember to consider the installation costs when planning your trampoline purchase.
  • Budget: In-ground trampolines vary in price, typically from $1000 to $5000, depending on the size and features. Setting a budget before you start shopping is a good idea to avoid feeling overwhelmed by the options.
  • Safety Features: When selecting an in-ground trampoline, look for safety features like padding around the edges and a net enclosure. These features help keep kids safe while they enjoy the trampoline.

Trampoline Coverage by State Farm Insurance

State Farm Trampoline is a trampoline company based in California. It was established in 2014 by two former professional stuntmen, and it is unique because it is the only trampoline company in the United States run by professional stuntmen. 

They specialize in recreational and competitive trampolines and have a team of skilled professionals participating in competitions worldwide.

State Farm Trampoline also offers classes for individuals interested in learning trampoline tricks. If you’re searching for a secure and enjoyable environment to jump and have fun, State Farm Trampoline is a great option!

Is it Allowed to have a Trampoline at a Rental Property?

If you’re thinking about putting a trampoline in your rental property, there are some important factors to consider. First, contact your insurance company to check if they have any restrictions on trampolines in rental properties. 

Additionally, review your lease agreement to see if there are any rules or limitations regarding trampolines.

Communicating with your tenants and discussing the rules and expectations for using the trampoline is also crucial. This way, everyone knows the guidelines and can enjoy the trampoline safely. 

Adding a trampoline to your rental property can be a great idea. Still, it’s important to research and make informed decisions to protect your investment and ensure a positive experience for everyone involved.

Is it Permissible to have a Trampoline in your Backyard?

Yes, you are permitted to have a trampoline in your backyard. However, it’s crucial to consider some important factors. Begin by selecting a trampoline size that fits well within your yard. Ensure that it is installed properly to prioritize safety.

Make certain that there is enough space surrounding the trampoline to allow for safe jumping and movement. Safety should always be a top priority, so take the necessary precautions to enjoy your backyard trampoline while minimizing potential risks.

Does a Trampoline affect Homeowners Insurance?

Does a Trampoline affect Homeowners Insurance?

Typically, home insurance policies cover trampolines, but there are important considerations to remember.

Before adding a trampoline to your backyard, check with your insurance agent to understand any specific requirements or exclusions related to trampolines. 

Some insurers may ask you to buy additional liability coverage, while others might not cover trampolines.

If your policy does cover trampolines, it’s crucial to prioritize safety. Follow all recommended guidelines to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. 

For instance, allow only one person on the trampoline and ensure everyone wears appropriate safety gear like non-slip shoes and helmets. 

By taking these precautions, you can protect your family and potentially avoid any increase in your homeowner’s insurance premiums.

Is a Fence Required for a Trampoline?

While not mandatory, it is strongly advised to have a fence around a trampoline for safety reasons. Trampolines can be risky if not used properly, and a fence serves as an added layer of protection.

Opting for a fence around the trampoline helps prevent accidents and restricts access to it when unsupervised. This reduces the chances of unauthorized or unsupervised usage, minimizing the risk of injuries.

However, if you decide to use a trampoline without a fence, it is crucial to closely monitor its usage and ensure that all users adhere to safety guidelines. Supervision and clear communication of rules and limitations become even more critical in this scenario.

By prioritizing safety measures through a fence or vigilant supervision, you can enjoy the benefits of a trampoline while minimizing potential risks.

What is the recommended Distance between a Trampoline and a House?

To ensure safety, it is important to maintain a minimum distance of 6 meters (20 feet) between a trampoline and any nearby house or structure. This distance helps prevent potential damage to the structure if the trampoline bounces towards it. 

Keeping the trampoline as far away as possible from any buildings or other structures is advisable to enhance safety and protect the surrounding property. The greater the distance between the trampoline and the house or structure, the better it is for everyone’s safety. 

Maintaining an adequate distance can minimize the risk of accidents or damage, and enjoy your trampoline with peace of mind.

Trampoline Risks

Trampoline injuries are quite common, with over 300,000 medically treated injuries reported in 2018. This includes more than 110,000 visits to the emergency room. 

It is important to be cautious when purchasing a second-hand trampoline, especially from sources like Craigslist or yard sales. 

Unless you are well-acquainted with the seller and confident in the trampoline’s condition, it’s not worth risking your children’s safety on equipment with unknown wear and tear.

Do you Need Planning Permission for a Trampoline?

In most cases, you do not need planning permission for a trampoline. Trampolines are typically considered temporary structures and fall within the permitted development rights of a property. 

However, it’s always a good idea to check with your local authorities or homeowner’s association to ensure no specific regulations or restrictions in your area. 

Some neighborhoods or communities may have rules regarding the installation and use of trampolines, so it’s important to be aware of any local requirements before setting up a trampoline in your yard.

Local Regulations and Permits

Local Regulations and Permits

When considering the installation of a trampoline, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of checking local regulations and requirements.

This is because trampoline regulations can vary significantly by jurisdiction, and it is essential to comply with any applicable rules to ensure safety and legality.

Trampoline regulations encompass various aspects such as zoning, safety, and permit requirements. Different jurisdictions may have specific guidelines in place to address these concerns. 

For example, there might be restrictions on where trampolines can be located within a property, safety measures that must be implemented, or permit requirements for installation.

Readers are encouraged to contact their local authorities to obtain accurate and up-to-date information regarding trampoline regulations in their area. These authorities can provide specific details about any zoning restrictions, safety guidelines, or permits necessary for installing and using a trampoline.

By reaching out to the appropriate local agencies, individuals can ensure they have the necessary knowledge to comply with local regulations and create a safe environment for trampoline usage.

Zoning Regulations

Zoning regulations play a significant role in determining where trampolines can be placed on a property. Local governments set these regulations to manage land use and ensure the safety and compatibility of different structures within specific zones.

Depending on the jurisdiction, there may be restrictions on the placement of trampolines, especially in residential areas. Some zoning regulations may require a certain setback distance between the trampoline, property boundaries, neighboring structures, or public spaces.

To understand the specific zoning regulations that apply to trampolines in your area, it is recommended to consult your local zoning or planning department.

They can provide information on zoning restrictions, setbacks, or special considerations related to trampolines.

Complying with zoning regulations is essential to avoid potential fines or legal issues. By adhering to these regulations, you can ensure that your trampoline is installed in a manner that respects the local land use policies and maintains the safety and harmony of the surrounding environment.

Safety Requirements

Safety requirements for trampolines are put in place to minimize the risk of injuries and create a safer environment for users. These requirements may vary by jurisdiction, but some common safety guidelines include the following:

  • Enclosure or Netting: Many jurisdictions require trampolines to have an enclosure or netting system surrounding the jumping area. This helps prevent users from falling off the trampoline and reduces the risk of serious injuries.
  • Padding: Trampolines should have sufficient padding, typically made of foam, covering the springs, frame, and any other hard surfaces. This helps protect users from impact injuries and reduces the risk of getting caught in the springs.
  • Anchoring: It may be necessary to anchor the trampoline securely to the ground to prevent it from tipping over during use, especially in areas prone to strong winds.
  • Supervision: It is recommended to have adult supervision whenever the trampoline is in use, especially for younger children. This helps ensure that safety guidelines are followed, and any potential hazards are addressed promptly.
  • Weight and Age Restrictions: Some jurisdictions may impose weight and age restrictions for trampoline usage. These restrictions help prevent injuries by ensuring that only individuals within the specified weight and age ranges use the trampoline.
  • Maintenance and Inspections: Regular maintenance and inspections of the trampoline are crucial to identify any wear and tear, damage, or potential safety hazards. 

Following manufacturer guidelines for maintenance and conducting routine inspections can help ensure the trampoline remains safe for use.

Familiarizing yourself with your area’s specific safety requirements and guidelines is important. Local authorities, homeowner’s associations, or trampoline manufacturers can provide detailed information on the safety regulations that apply to trampolines in your jurisdiction. 

By adhering to these safety requirements, you can enhance the safety of trampoline usage and reduce the risk of accidents or injuries.

Permit Requirements

Permit requirements for trampolines refer to obtaining official permission from local authorities before installing or setting up a trampoline on your property. These permit requirements can vary depending on the jurisdiction and local regulations.

In some areas, trampolines may fall under the category of outdoor recreational structures, which may require a permit before installation. These permits ensure that the trampoline meets certain safety standards and that its placement complies with local zoning and building codes.

You should contact your local building or permitting department to determine if you need a trampoline permit. They can provide specific information regarding your area’s permit requirements for trampolines. 

They may require you to submit an application, provide details about the trampoline’s specifications, and possibly undergo an inspection to ensure compliance with safety regulations.

It is important to note that failure to obtain the required permits can result in penalties, fines, or even trampoline removal. Therefore, contacting your local authorities early is recommended to understand and fulfill any permit requirements.

By following the necessary permit procedures, you can ensure that your trampoline installation is by local regulations, contributing to the safety and compliance of your property.

Steps to Obtain a Permit

Steps to Obtain a Permit

Here are some steps to obtain a permit:

If a permit is required for a trampoline installation, the following general steps can be followed:

  1. Research local regulations and permit requirements: Start by familiarizing yourself with the specific regulations and requirements for trampolines in your local area. This information can be obtained from your local building or permitting department.
  1. Prepare necessary documentation: Gather all the necessary documentation that may be required for the permit application. This may include property surveys, safety certifications, or any other supporting documents mentioned in the permit requirements.
  1. Complete the permit application accurately and thoroughly: Fill out the permit application form accurately and provide all the requested information. Include any necessary details about the trampoline installation, such as its dimensions, location on your property, and any safety measures implemented.
  1. Pay any applicable fees: Some permit applications may involve fees. Ensure you know any fees associated with the permit and make the necessary payments according to the instructions.
  1. Schedule inspections, if required: Depending on the regulations, you may need to schedule inspections of the trampoline installation. This is to ensure that it meets the required safety standards. Coordinate with the relevant authorities to schedule these inspections, if necessary.

It is important to note that the specific steps to obtaining a trampoline permit may vary depending on the jurisdiction and local regulations. 

Therefore, contacting your local building or permitting department for precise guidance and instructions tailored to your area is crucial. 

They will provide you with the specific steps to follow, any additional documentation required, and any variations in the application process.

Consequences of Non-Compliance

Not obtaining a required permit for a trampoline installation can have various consequences, depending on the jurisdiction and local regulations.

Possible consequences for non-compliance may include fines, penalties, or forced removal of the trampoline. These consequences are imposed to ensure compliance with safety standards and zoning regulations.

It is important to comply with local regulations and obtain the necessary permits to avoid legal issues and potential consequences.

By adhering to the rules and requirements set forth by your local authorities, you can ensure the safety of your trampoline installation and avoid any potential penalties or disruptions in the future.

Additional Considerations

Here are some additional considerations:

Insurance Requirements: 

When considering trampoline ownership, it’s important to understand that insurance companies may have specific requirements or restrictions. Some insurers may require additional liability coverage or have exclusions related to trampolines. 

To protect yourself and your property, consult with your insurance provider to ensure adequate coverage and understand any implications for your policy.

Safety Precautions: 

Alongside permit requirements and insurance considerations, prioritize safety measures for trampoline usage. Ensure that safety features such as safety nets, padding, and proper supervision are in place to minimize the risk of accidents or injuries. 

Familiarize yourself with trampoline safety guidelines and educate others using the trampoline about these guidelines.

Noise and Neighbourhood Impact: 

Noise and Neighbourhood Impact: 

Trampolines can generate noise, especially if they are located close to neighboring properties.

Before installing a trampoline, be mindful of local noise regulations and consider discussing your plans with your neighbors to address any concerns they may have.

Maintenance and Upkeep: 

Regularly inspect and maintain your trampoline to ensure its durability and safety. Address any signs of wear and tear promptly, replace damaged components, and keep the trampoline clean and debris-free. Proper maintenance will help extend the lifespan of the trampoline and promote safe usage.

Resale and Property Value: 

Remember that the presence of a trampoline may impact your property’s resale value and marketability. Some potential buyers may have safety concerns or perceive trampolines as liabilities. Consider the potential implications for resale value when installing or removing a trampoline.

Community Rules and Regulations: 

In addition to local permits and zoning regulations, some communities may have specific rules or regulations regarding trampolines. Homeowners’ associations (HOAs) or neighborhood organizations may enforce trampoline ownership guidelines. 

It’s essential to review any applicable community rules or restrictions before installing a trampoline.

Remember, it’s always advisable to consult with local authorities, insurance providers, and any relevant community organizations to ensure you have accurate information and comply with all necessary regulations and requirements for trampoline ownership. 

Prioritizing safety and being aware of potential impacts will help you make informed decisions regarding trampolines on your property.

FAQs About Do you Need a Permit for a Trampoline

Q:1 Can I put a trampoline in my backyard?

In general, you can put a trampoline in your backyard. However, it’s important to check local regulations and any homeowners association (HOA) guidelines that may apply. 

Additionally, consider safety precautions, such as having adequate space, proper supervision, and implementing safety measures like enclosure nets and padding.

Q:2 Do you need a permit for a trampoline?

The need for a permit varies depending on your location. It is best to check with your local authorities or municipal office to determine if a permit is required.

Q:3 What factors determine if a permit is necessary?

Permit requirements can depend on local regulations, zoning ordinances, and the trampoline size. It is essential to understand the specific rules and requirements in your area.

Q:4 Are there any safety regulations I need to follow?

Yes, ensuring safety is crucial when it comes to trampolines. Common safety guidelines include using enclosure nets, installing padding, and providing proper supervision, regardless of whether a permit is required.

Q:5 How can I find out about local trampoline regulations?

Contact local authorities, such as your city or town hall, to inquire about specific trampoline regulations. They can provide you with the most accurate information regarding permits and safety requirements.

Q:6 What are the consequences of not obtaining a required permit?

Consequences for not obtaining a permit can vary, including fines, penalties, or even being required to remove the trampoline. It’s important to comply with local regulations to avoid potential legal issues.

Q:7 Is insurance coverage important for trampolines?

Yes, having adequate insurance coverage is crucial when you have a trampoline. Contact your insurance provider to inquire about any specific requirements or recommendations for trampoline ownership.


In conclusion, Do you need a permit for a trampoline? The need for a permit for a trampoline depends on various factors, including your location, local regulations, and the size of the trampoline. 

While some areas may require a permit, others may not. It is important to check with your local authorities, such as your city or town hall, to determine the specific requirements in your area.

Regardless of permit requirements, prioritizing safety should always be a top concern. Following recommended safety guidelines, such as enclosure nets, padding, and proper supervision, is crucial to preventing accidents and injuries.

Additionally, if you live in a community with a homeowner’s association (HOA), review their guidelines and restrictions related to trampolines, as they may have additional requirements or prohibitions.

Obtaining a permit, if necessary, ensures compliance with local regulations and helps avoid potential fines or legal consequences. Remember to also consider insurance coverage and consult with your insurance provider to ensure appropriate protection.

Ultimately, understanding and adhering to your area’s specific regulations and safety guidelines will help you enjoy your trampoline responsibly and provide a safe environment for everyone.

We hope you will be well aware of do you need a permit for a trampoline. after reading this comprehensive article. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below!

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