How To Clean Black Residue Off Trampoline: Easy Ways [2023]

Over time, trampolines can develop a stubborn black residue that detracts from their appearance and may even affect their performance. This black residue is often a combination of dirt, grime, and mold or mildew buildup, resulting from exposure to outdoor elements and a lack of regular cleaning.

Cleaning this residue off your trampoline not only enhances its visual appeal but also ensures a clean and safe jumping surface for your family and friends.

In this guide, we will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to effectively clean the black residue off your trampoline. We will cover the necessary preparations, safety precautions, and the cleaning process using simple and accessible cleaning supplies.

Additionally, we will share maintenance tips to help you keep your trampoline in optimal condition.

By following these instructions and incorporating regular cleaning and maintenance into your trampoline care routine, you can enjoy a sparkling clean trampoline that provides endless hours of fun and enjoyment for years to come.

Let’s get started on revitalizing your trampoline’s appearance and maintaining its performance!

How to clean black residue off trampoline: To clean black residue off a trampoline, start by sweeping away any loose debris. Mix a solution of warm water and mild soap. Use a soft brush or sponge to scrub the affected areas gently. Rinse with clean water and allow the trampoline to air dry.

Table of Content

Understanding the Black Residue

How to clean black residue off trampoline

Trampolines can develop black residue due to dirt, debris, mold, mildew, and oxidation from outdoor exposure. This buildup is a combination of factors:

  1. Dirt and Debris: Outdoor trampolines collect dirt, leaves, and pollen from the surroundings.
  2. Moisture and Mold: Moist conditions can foster mold and mildew growth, resulting in black spots.
  3. Oxidation: Metal parts can darken due to oxidation caused by weather exposure.
  4. Neglect: Lack of regular cleaning allows residue to bond and worsen.


  1. Safety: Black residue creates slippery areas, raising the risk of accidents.
  2. Material Damage: Mold, mildew, and oxidation can weaken the trampoline’s structure.
  3. Unsanitary: Damp conditions encourage mold growth, leading to unsanitary conditions.
  4. Aesthetics: The residue makes the trampoline look dirty and neglected.

Promptly addressing black residue ensures a safe, durable, and visually appealing trampoline for outdoor fun.

How to clean black residue off trampoline: Step by Step

Cleaning a trampoline regularly is essential to maintain its appearance, longevity, and safety. Over time, black residue can accumulate on the trampoline’s surface due to dirt, debris, and environmental factors. If left unattended, this residue can become stubborn and difficult to remove.

In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of effectively cleaning black residue off a trampoline. Follow these instructions to keep your trampoline in top shape and ensure a safe bouncing experience for everyone.

  1. Safety Precautions
  2. Gather Cleaning Supplies
  3. Preparation
  4. Cleaning Process
  5. Rinse and Dry
  6. Maintenance Tips

Step 1- Safety Precautions:

When cleaning a trampoline, it is crucial to prioritize safety. Follow these safety precautions to ensure a safe cleaning process:

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

  • Emphasize the importance of wearing PPE, such as gloves and eye protection, during the cleaning process.
  • Gloves will protect your hands from potential irritants or chemicals used in cleaning.
  • Eye protection, like safety goggles, will prevent any splashes or debris from entering your eyes.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals or Abrasive Materials:

  • Advise against using harsh chemicals or cleaning agents that may damage the trampoline surface.
  • Harsh chemicals can compromise the integrity of the trampoline and pose a risk to your health.
  • Choose mild detergents specifically designed for trampoline cleaning or follow the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Discourage the use of abrasive materials such as rough brushes or scouring pads, which can scratch or weaken the trampoline’s material.

By following these safety precautions, you can ensure a safe cleaning process that protects both yourself and the trampoline from harm.

Step 2- Gather Cleaning Supplies

To effectively clean the black residue off your trampoline, you will need to gather the following cleaning supplies:

Soft-bristle brush or sponge:

  • A soft-bristle brush or sponge is essential for gentle scrubbing and removing the residue without damaging the trampoline surface.
  • Choose a brush or sponge specifically designed for cleaning purposes to ensure it is suitable for the task.

Mild detergent or trampoline cleaner:

  • Select a mild detergent or trampoline cleaner that is safe for the trampoline material.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals that can cause discoloration or damage to the surface.
  • Look for cleaning solutions specifically formulated for trampolines, as they are designed to effectively remove dirt and grime.

Bucket of warm water:

  • Fill a bucket with warm water to create a cleaning solution.
  • Warm water helps to loosen the black residue and facilitate the cleaning process.

Garden hose or pressure washer :

How To Clean Black Residue Off Trampoline - Guide
  • A garden hose can be used to rinse off the trampoline before and after cleaning.
  • If you prefer a more thorough rinse, you may consider using a pressure washer on a low setting.
  • However, exercise caution and ensure the pressure is not too high, as it can damage the trampoline or its components.

By gathering these cleaning supplies, you will have everything you need to effectively clean the black residue off your trampoline. Remember to choose gentle and trampoline-safe products to ensure the best results without causing any damage to the trampoline surface.

Step 3- Preparation

Before starting the cleaning process for your trampoline, it is important to properly prepare the area and gather the necessary materials. Follow these steps for effective preparation:

Remove any loose debris, leaves, or dirt from the trampoline surface:

  • Begin by inspecting the trampoline and removing any loose debris, such as leaves, twigs, or dirt.
  • Use a broom, soft-bristle brush, or your hands to gently sweep or pick up the debris.
  • Clearing the surface will ensure that the cleaning process is more efficient and prevent any unwanted particles from getting into the cleaning solution.

Set up a cleaning area near a water source:

  • Choose a suitable location for cleaning the trampoline, preferably near a water source such as a hose or faucet.
  • This will make it easier to access water for rinsing and ensure a continuous supply throughout the cleaning process.
  • Select an area with enough space to move around the trampoline comfortably and safely.

Fill the bucket with warm water and add the detergent or trampoline cleaner as instructed:

  • Fill a bucket with warm water, ensuring it is of sufficient capacity to hold the cleaning solution.
  • Check the instructions on the detergent or trampoline cleaner and add the appropriate amount to the warm water.
  • Stir or mix the solution gently to ensure the detergent or cleaner is properly dissolved.

By following these preparation steps, you will create an optimal environment for cleaning your trampoline. Removing loose debris, setting up a convenient cleaning area, and preparing the cleaning solution will streamline the cleaning process and help achieve effective results.

Step 4- Cleaning Process

To effectively clean the black residue off your trampoline, follow these step-by-step instructions:

Wet the trampoline surface with water from the hose or a bucket:

  • Start by wetting the entire trampoline surface with water. You can use a garden hose with a spray nozzle attachment or pour water from a bucket.
  • The water helps to loosen the residue and make it easier to clean.

Dip the soft-bristle brush or sponge into the soapy water solution:

  • Take the soft-bristle brush or sponge and dip it into a bucket filled with warm water.
  • Add a small amount of mild detergent or trampoline cleaner to the water.
  • Swirl the brush or sponge around to create a soapy water solution.
  • Make sure the bristles or sponge are saturated with the solution, but not dripping excessively.

Gently scrub the black residue areas in a circular motion, applying moderate pressure:

  • Start scrubbing the black residue areas on the trampoline surface using a circular motion.
  • Apply moderate pressure with the brush or sponge to effectively remove the residue.
  • Focus on one small area at a time and work your way around the trampoline.

Pay extra attention to stubborn stains, but avoid scrubbing too hard to prevent damage:

  • For stubborn stains or areas with particularly heavy residue buildup, give them extra attention during the scrubbing process.
  • Use the soft-bristle brush or sponge to gently scrub these areas, applying slightly more pressure if needed.
  • However, be cautious not to scrub too hard, as this can cause damage to the trampoline surface.

Rinse the brush or sponge frequently and continue cleaning until the residue is removed:

  • Rinse the brush or sponge frequently in clean water to remove the loosened residue and prevent reapplying it onto the trampoline surface.
  • After scrubbing an area, dip the brush or sponge into the clean water and swirl it around to remove any residue trapped in the bristles or sponge.
  • Continue cleaning, repeating the process of scrubbing, rinsing, and removing residue until the black residue is completely removed.

Rinse the trampoline thoroughly with clean water:

  • Once you have finished scrubbing and removing the black residue, thoroughly rinse the entire trampoline with clean water.
  • Use the hose or a bucket of water to wash away any remaining detergent or cleaner from the trampoline surface.
  • Make sure to rinse all areas, including the mat, springs, and frame, to ensure a clean and residue-free finish.

Allow the trampoline to air dry completely before using it again:

How To Clean Black Residue Off Trampoline - guide
  • After rinsing, allow the trampoline to air dry completely before using it.
  • Avoid direct sunlight during drying to prevent discoloration or damage to the trampoline material.
  • Once the trampoline is dry, you can safely resume using it for jumping and other activities.

By following these step-by-step instructions, you can effectively clean the black residue off your trampoline and restore its appearance. Remember to be gentle but thorough in your cleaning process, paying attention to stubborn stains while avoiding excessive pressure that could harm the trampoline.

Step 5- Rinse and Dry

After completing the cleaning process, it’s crucial to rinse and dry the trampoline properly to remove any remaining residue and ensure its longevity. Follow these steps to effectively rinse and dry your trampoline:

Rinse the trampoline thoroughly with clean water, removing all soap residue:

  • Use a hose or bucket of clean water to rinse the entire trampoline surface.
  • Ensure that all areas, including the mat, springs, and frame, are thoroughly rinsed to remove any lingering soap residue.
  • Pay attention to hard-to-reach areas and corners, ensuring that no soap residue is left behind.

Use a garden hose or pressure washer (on a low setting) for a more thorough rinse (optional):

  • If desired, you can use a garden hose or a pressure washer with a low setting to provide a more thorough rinse.
  • Ensure that the pressure is not too high to avoid damaging the trampoline surface or dislodging any components.
  • Move the hose or pressure washer in a sweeping motion, covering the entire trampoline surface to remove any remaining dirt or residue.

Allow the trampoline to air dry completely before using it again:

  • After rinsing, it’s important to allow the trampoline to air dry completely.
  • Choose a well-ventilated area for drying, preferably in a shaded spot to avoid direct sunlight exposure.
  • Direct sunlight can cause discoloration or damage to the trampoline material over time.
  • The drying time may vary depending on weather conditions, but it typically takes several hours to overnight for the trampoline to dry thoroughly.

Avoid direct sunlight during drying to prevent discoloration or damage:

  • During the drying process, it’s crucial to avoid exposing the trampoline to direct sunlight.
  • Direct sunlight can lead to fading or discoloration of the trampoline material and may weaken its structure over time.
  • If possible, place the trampoline in a shaded area or cover it with a tarp or trampoline cover during the drying period.

By following these steps, you can effectively rinse and dry your trampoline after cleaning, ensuring that it is free from any soap residue and ready for use. Proper rinsing and thorough drying will help maintain the trampoline’s appearance and integrity, prolonging its lifespan and ensuring a safe jumping experience for years to come.

Step 6- Maintenance Tips

To keep your trampoline in optimal condition and extend its lifespan, it’s important to follow these maintenance tips:

Regularly remove debris from the trampoline to prevent buildup:

  • Take a few minutes on a regular basis to remove any leaves, sticks, or other debris that may accumulate on the trampoline surface.
  • Use a broom, soft-bristle brush, or your hands to gently sweep away the debris.
  • Regular cleaning prevents the accumulation of dirt and ensures a clean and safe jumping surface.

Consider using a trampoline cover when not in use to protect it from dirt and weather:

  • When the trampoline is not in use for an extended period, consider using a trampoline cover.
  • A trampoline cover acts as a protective barrier, shielding the trampoline from dirt, leaves, and other outdoor elements.
  • Ensure that the cover is securely fastened to prevent it from being blown away by strong winds.

Periodically inspect the trampoline for any signs of damage or wear:

  • Conduct routine inspections of the trampoline to identify any signs of damage, wear, or loose components.
  • Check the springs, mat, frame, and safety net, if applicable, for any signs of tears, rust, or degradation.
  • Tighten any loose bolts or screws and replace any damaged parts promptly.
  • Regular inspections help maintain the trampoline’s structural integrity and ensure safe usage.

Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and recommendations:

  • Refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines and recommendations for specific maintenance instructions and safety precautions.
  • Follow any specific instructions provided regarding cleaning products, weight limits, and usage guidelines.
  • Adhering to the manufacturer’s guidelines ensures proper care and maintenance of your trampoline.

Ensure proper weight limits and usage:

  • Be aware of the weight limits specified by the manufacturer for your trampoline.
  • Avoid exceeding the weight capacity to prevent damage to the trampoline and potential injuries.
  • Encourage safe jumping practices, such as one person jumping at a time and avoiding risky maneuvers.

Keep pets and sharp objects away from the trampoline:

  • Prevent pets from accessing the trampoline to avoid potential damage caused by their claws or chewing.
  • Keep sharp objects, such as garden tools or toys, away from the trampoline to prevent accidental punctures or tears.

By following these maintenance tips, you can ensure the longevity and safety of your trampoline. Regular cleaning, proper storage, and routine inspections contribute to a well-maintained trampoline that provides endless hours of fun for you and your family.


Q1: What causes the black residue to appear on my trampoline?

A1: The black residue on your trampoline is typically a combination of dirt, grime, and mold or mildew buildup that accumulates over time due to exposure to outdoor elements and lack of regular cleaning.

Q2: Can I use any cleaning products to remove the black residue?

It is recommended to use mild detergents or trampoline cleaners that are safe for the trampoline material. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that may damage the trampoline surface.

Q3: Do I need to wear any protective gear while cleaning the trampoline?

Yes, it is advisable to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) such as gloves and eye protection to protect your hands and eyes from cleaning agents or debris.

Q4: Can I use a pressure washer to clean the trampoline?

While a pressure washer can be used on a low setting for rinsing, it is important to avoid using high pressure, as it may damage the trampoline surface or dislodge components.

Q5: How often should I clean the trampoline?

It is recommended to clean the trampoline at least once or twice a year, depending on the usage and environmental conditions. Regular cleaning helps maintain its appearance and prolong its lifespan.

Q6: How do I remove stubborn stains from the trampoline?

For stubborn stains, you can apply a bit more pressure while scrubbing with a soft-bristle brush or sponge. However, avoid scrubbing too hard to prevent damage to the trampoline surface.

Q7: Can I clean the trampoline in direct sunlight?

It is preferable to clean and rinse the trampoline in shaded areas to avoid direct sunlight during the cleaning process. Direct sunlight can cause the cleaning solution to dry quickly and leave streaks or discoloration.


In conclusion, cleaning black residue off a trampoline is a straightforward process that can help maintain its appearance, longevity, and safety. By following the step-by-step guide provided, you can easily remove the accumulated residue and ensure a clean and enjoyable bouncing experience.

Remember to take necessary safety precautions, such as wearing appropriate attire and choosing a suitable cleaning solution. Gathering the required cleaning supplies beforehand ensures a smooth cleaning process. Preparing the trampoline by wetting it and applying the cleaning solution helps loosen the residue.

The cleaning process involves gently scrubbing the affected areas with a soft brush or sponge. Thoroughly rinsing off the cleaning solution and drying the trampoline prevents mold and mildew growth.

Lastly, implementing regular maintenance tips, such as sweeping off debris and considering the use of a trampoline cover, can help prevent future residue buildup.

By following these steps and maintaining a clean trampoline, you can continue to enjoy safe and fun bouncing experiences for years to come.

After reading this detailed guide on how to clean the black stuff on your trampoline, we hope you will understand how to do it properly. If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below!

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